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and otherwise

  • 1 American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists

    Oil: ACGIH (An organisation that annually determines standards of exposure to toxic and otherwise harmful materials in the workroom air, commonly known as the Threshold Limit Values (TLV))

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists

  • 2 друг

    1. (онзи, не този и пр.) (an)other, some other; somebody/someone else, something else
    мн. ч. other(s)
    дай ми друга книга give me another book, give me some other book
    не ща другиго I want no one else; I don't want anybody else
    изпрати другиго send somebody else
    едни отиват, други се връщат some are going, others/some are returning
    няма друга като нея there is no one like her
    всеки друг any one/everybody else
    никой друг освен него no one else/nobody else/no one/nobody but he
    всяко друго нещо anything/everything else
    нищо друго освен nothing (else) but
    нещо друго? какво друго? anything else? what else? anything more?
    н нещо друго there's something else; besides; what's more
    не за друго, a for no other reason but
    дължи се не на друго, а на неговата упоритост it is due to nothing but his stubbornness
    не друг, a none other than; no less a person than; of all people; who but
    и единият, и другият both; either
    или единият, или другият either (the one or the other); either one
    нито единият, нито другият neither (the one nor the other); neither one
    2. (различен) different, new
    той стана друг човек he became a different/a new man
    по- друг на цвят/качество и пр. somewhat different in colour/quality etc.
    това е съвсем друга тема that's a wholly/an entirely different subject/topic
    това е съвсем друга работа that's (quite) a different matter/thing; that makes all the difference in the world; that alters the case
    това е друго! that's a different matter! казвал ли съм вещо друго? did I ever say otherwise?
    ако няма други ангажименти if he is not otherwise engaged
    обработваеми и други земи tracts agricultural and otherwise
    с други думи in other words
    друга версия another/a different version, ( на текст) a variant reading
    3. (противоположен, обратен) other, opposite; reverse
    другата ръка the other hand
    на другия бряг on the other/opposite bank
    на другта страна на стената on the other side of the wall; on the off side of the wall
    на другта страна на листа on the other/reverse side of the page/leaf; overleaf
    4. (следващ, иден) next, following
    на другия ден (on) the next/following day; the day after
    другия петък Friday next, next Friday
    другата седмица next week, the coming week
    (следващ-за човек) (the) next, the other, another
    мн. ч. the others, the rest
    да влезе друг! let another one come in
    (следващият по ред) let the next one come in
    друг! next! да влязат другите let the rest/the others come in
    без друго anyway; (most) certainly
    от друга страна on the other hand, ( освен това) still; yet
    един зад друг in single/Indian file
    one behind the other, ( за повече от двама) one behind another
    един през друг head-long; helter-skelter; pell-mell
    едно на друго all told, on an average, one thing with another
    едно- друго a few things
    някой и друг лев a few levs; some money
    и др. etc.
    между/покрай другото among other things
    incidentally, ( между прочем) by the way, разг, by the by(e)
    това между другото this by way of digression
    * * *
    1. ( онзи, не този и пр.) (an)other, some other; somebody/someone else, something else; само мн. other(s); всеки \друг any one/everybody else; и единият, и \другият both; either; и нещо \друго there’s something else; besides; what’s more; или единият, или \другият either (the one or the other); either one; не \друг, а none other than; no less a person than; of all people; who but; не за \друго, а for no other reason but; нещо \друго? какво \друго? anything else? what else? anything more? никой \друг освен него no one else/nobody else/no one/nobody but he; нито единият, нито \другият neither (the one nor the other); neither one; няма \друга като нея there is no one like her;
    2. ( различен) different, new; ако няма \други ангажименти if he is not otherwise engaged; \друга версия another/different version, (на текст) variant reading; казвал ли съм нещо \друго? did I ever say otherwise? по-\друг на цвят/качество и пр. somewhat different in colour/quality etc.; това е съвсем \друга тема that’s (quiet) a different matter/thing; that makes all the difference in the world; that alters the case;
    3. ( противоположен, обратен) other, opposite; reverse; на \другата страна на листа on the other/reverse side of the page/leaf; overleaf; на \другата страна на стената on the other side of the wall; on the off side of the wall;
    4. ( следващ, иден) next, following; ( следващ ­ за човек) (the) next, next other, another; мн. the others, the rest; да влезе \друг! let another one come in; ( следващият по ред) let the next one come in; \друг! next! \другата седмица next week, the coming week; \другия петък Friday next, next Friday; на \другия ден (on) the next/following day; the day after; • без \друго anyway; (most) certainly; един \друг (за двама) each other, (за повече от двама) one another; един зад \друг in single/Indian file; one behind the other, (за повече от двама) one behind another; един през \друг head-long; helter-skelter; pell-mell; едно-\друго a few things; и др. etc.; между/покрай \другото among other things; incidentally, ( между впрочем) by the way, разг. by the by(e); някой и \друг лев a few levs; some money; от \друга страна on the other hand, ( освен това) still; yet; това между \другото this by way of digression.
    * * *
    another: give me друг book - дай ми друга книга; different ; else {els}: You are not my brother, you are someone друг. - Ти не си брат ми, ти си някой друг.; new ; other ; otherwise
    * * *
    1. (онзи, не този и пр.) (an)other, some other;somebody/someone else, something else 2. (противоположен, обратен) other, opposite;reverse 3. (следващ - за човек) (the) next, the other, another 4. (следващ, иден) next, following 5. (следващият по ред) let the next one come in 6. 2, (различен) different, new 7. incidentally, (между прочем) by the way, разг, by the by(e) 8. one behind the other, (за повече от двама) one behind another 9. ДРУГ! next! да влязат ДРУГите let the rest/the others come in 10. ДРУГa версия another/a different version, (на текст) a variant reading 11. ДРУГата ръка the other hand 12. ДРУГата седмица next week, the coming week 13. ДРУГия петък Friday next, next Friday 14. ако няма ДРУГи ангажименти if he is not otherwise engaged 15. без ДРУГо anyway;(most) certainly 16. всеки ДРУГ any one/everybody else 17. всяко ДРУГо нещо anything/ everything else 18. да влезе ДРУГ! let another one come in 19. дай ми ДРУГа книга give me another book, give mе some other book 20. дължи се не на ДРУГо, а на неговата упоритост it is due to nothing but his stubbornness 21. един ДРУГ (за двама) each other,. (за повече от двама) one another 22. един зад ДРУГ in single/Indian file 23. един през ДРУГ head-long;helter-skelter;pell-mell 24. едни отиват, ДРУГи се връщат some are going, others/some are returning 25. едно на ДРУГо all told, on an average, one thing with another 26. едно-ДРУГо a few things 27. и др. etc. 28. и единият, и ДРУГият both;either 29. изпрати ДРУГиго send somebody else 30. или единият, или ДРУГият either (the one or the other);either one 31. между/покрай ДРУГото among other things 32. мн. ч. other(s) 33. мн. ч. the others, the rest 34. н нещо ДРУГо there's something else;besides;what's more 35. на ДРУГия бряг on the other/opposite bank 36. на ДРУГия ден (on) the next/following day;the day after 37. на ДРУГта страна на листа on the other/reverse side of the page/leaf;overleaf 38. на ДРУГта страна на стената on the other side of the wall;on the off side of the wall 39. не ДРУГ, a none other than;no less a person than;of all people;who but 40. не за ДРУГо, a for no other reason but 41. не ща ДРУГиго I want no one else;I don't want anybody else 42. нещо ДРУГо? какво ДРУГo?anything else?what else?anything more? 43. никой ДРУГ освен него no one else/nobody else/no one/nobody but he 44. нито единият, нито ДРУГият neither (the one nor the other);neither one 45. нищо ДРУГо освен nothing (else) but 46. някой и ДРУГ лев а few levs;some money 47. няма ДРУГа като нея there is no one like her 48. обработваеми и ДРУГи земи tracts agricultural and otherwise 49. от ДРУГa страна on the other hand, (освен това) still;yet 50. по-ДРУГ на цвят/качество и пр. somewhat different in colour/quality etc. 51. с ДРУГи думи in other words 52. това е ДРУГо! that's a different matter! казвал ли съм вещо ДРУГо? did I ever say otherwise? 53. това е съвсем ДРУГa работа that's (quite) a different matter/thing;that makes all the difference in the world;that alters the case 54. това е съвсем ДРУГа тема that's a wholly/ an entirely different subject/topic 55. това между ДРУГото this by way of digression 56. той стана ДРУГ човек he became a different/a new man

    Български-английски речник > друг

  • 3 sencillo

    1 simple, uncomplicated, easy, with no frills.
    2 simple, simplehearted, naive, simpleminded.
    3 simple, unadorned, with no frills.
    4 single, simple.
    5 one-way, single-track, unidirectional.
    1 small change, change, small coins.
    2 one way ticket.
    * * *
    1 (sin adornos) simple, plain
    2 (fácil) simple, easy
    4 figurado (persona - natural) natural, unaffected, unpretentious; (- ingenua) naive, gullible
    * * *
    (f. - sencilla)
    1) simple, easy
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) [costumbre, estilo, ropa] simple
    2) [asunto, problema] simple, straightforward

    es un plato sencillo de hacer pero apetitoso — it's a simple but tasty dish, the dish is straightforward to make, but tasty

    3) (=no afectado) natural, unaffected

    es muy rico pero muy sencillo en el trato — he's very rich, but nevertheless very natural o unaffected

    4) [billete] single
    5) LAm (=necio) foolish
    2. SM
    1) (=disco) single
    2) LAm (=cambio) small change
    * * *
    - lla adjetivo
    a) <ejercicio/problema> simple, straightforward
    b) < persona> modest, unassuming; <vestido/estilo> simple, plain; <casa/comida> simple, modest

    son gentes sencillas y trabajadoras — they are simple, hardworking people

    2) (Esp, Méx) < billete> one-way (AmE), single (BrE)
    1) ( disco) single
    2) (AmL) ( dinero suelto) change
    3) (Esp, Méx) (Transp) one-way ticket (AmE), single (ticket) (BrE)
    * * *
    = humble [humbler -comp., humblest -sup.], plain [plainer -comp., plainest -sup.], simple [simpler -comp., simplest -sup.], straight [straighter -comp., straightest -sup.], straightforward, unadorned, bald, unobtrusive, low-key [low key], uncluttered, unsophisticated, unpretentious, unassuming, folksy [folksier -comp., folksiest -sup.], homespun, unfussy, uncomplicated, uncomplicatedly, low-keyed, no-frills, hassle-free.
    Ex. In spite of much complexity, they perform reliably; witness the humble typewriter, or the movie camera or the automobile.
    Ex. He went on to explain that while there were no unsightly slums, there was a fairly large district of rather nondescript homes intermingled with plain two- and three-family brick and frame dwellings, principally in the eastern reaches of the city.
    Ex. Some simple measures of index effectiveness are introduced here so that it is possible to consider different indexing methods critically.
    Ex. Thus these indexes contain more entries than a straight KWIC index and are inclined to be relatively bulky.
    Ex. Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex. Concrete illustrations are always better than unadorned abstract description.
    Ex. This text contains its share of irrelevant allusions included by authors 'to add artistic verisimilitude to a bald and otherwise unconvincing narrative', to quote another favourite source.
    Ex. New technologies will enable interfaces composed of unobtrusive physiological monitors and prosthetics.
    Ex. Activity is still low key, but will increase when the British Library puts up data bases on its own computer in 1977.
    Ex. Google, the search engine, became popular because of its efficiency, simple structure uncluttered by advertising and its non-commercial look and feel.
    Ex. Here is a clear indication of the extent, during the eighteenth century, to which the unsophisticated reader lagged behind his middle class compatriots = Aquí tenemos una clara indicación del grado en el que, durante el siglo dieciocho, el lector normal iba por detrás de sus compatriotas de clase media.
    Ex. There is a need for unpretentious, informative manuals which help readers to play bowls, arrange flowers, decorate the house, and the like.
    Ex. The term 'librarian' may confer the impression of being a quiet, respectable and unassuming person and consequently be useful on insurance forms, passports and rental agreements.
    Ex. The best path, the film implies, is a middle way, combining worldliness with a folksy morality, one that respects family and individual alike.
    Ex. The author chronicles the exuberant stories, hyperbole, homespun speech and demigod characteristics of American 'tall tales'.
    Ex. Above all the journal wishes to provide research and comment in a form that is easily and quickly understood: a fresh, rigorous, but unfussy, writing style is what is aimed for.
    Ex. It is an example of an uncomplicated but practical and successful artificial intelligence application.
    Ex. Children which lack reading experience should be presented with a sequence of shorter, very directly told, and uncomplicatedly structured books, rather than with denser and more subtle texts.
    Ex. Overall, he provides a low-keyed, lucid account that, with its many-leveled approach, does more than justice to the complex themes it studies.
    Ex. This is a good guide for independent travellers looking for cheap, no-frills intercity transport around the country.
    Ex. Cooking dry beans in the crockpot makes them relatively hassle-free.
    * codificación directa de fila sencilla = single row direct coding.
    * de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.
    * disco sencillo = single.
    * habitación sencilla = single room.
    * * *
    - lla adjetivo
    a) <ejercicio/problema> simple, straightforward
    b) < persona> modest, unassuming; <vestido/estilo> simple, plain; <casa/comida> simple, modest

    son gentes sencillas y trabajadoras — they are simple, hardworking people

    2) (Esp, Méx) < billete> one-way (AmE), single (BrE)
    1) ( disco) single
    2) (AmL) ( dinero suelto) change
    3) (Esp, Méx) (Transp) one-way ticket (AmE), single (ticket) (BrE)
    * * *
    = humble [humbler -comp., humblest -sup.], plain [plainer -comp., plainest -sup.], simple [simpler -comp., simplest -sup.], straight [straighter -comp., straightest -sup.], straightforward, unadorned, bald, unobtrusive, low-key [low key], uncluttered, unsophisticated, unpretentious, unassuming, folksy [folksier -comp., folksiest -sup.], homespun, unfussy, uncomplicated, uncomplicatedly, low-keyed, no-frills, hassle-free.

    Ex: In spite of much complexity, they perform reliably; witness the humble typewriter, or the movie camera or the automobile.

    Ex: He went on to explain that while there were no unsightly slums, there was a fairly large district of rather nondescript homes intermingled with plain two- and three-family brick and frame dwellings, principally in the eastern reaches of the city.
    Ex: Some simple measures of index effectiveness are introduced here so that it is possible to consider different indexing methods critically.
    Ex: Thus these indexes contain more entries than a straight KWIC index and are inclined to be relatively bulky.
    Ex: Even in this apparently straightforward situation, complications can arise.
    Ex: Concrete illustrations are always better than unadorned abstract description.
    Ex: This text contains its share of irrelevant allusions included by authors 'to add artistic verisimilitude to a bald and otherwise unconvincing narrative', to quote another favourite source.
    Ex: New technologies will enable interfaces composed of unobtrusive physiological monitors and prosthetics.
    Ex: Activity is still low key, but will increase when the British Library puts up data bases on its own computer in 1977.
    Ex: Google, the search engine, became popular because of its efficiency, simple structure uncluttered by advertising and its non-commercial look and feel.
    Ex: Here is a clear indication of the extent, during the eighteenth century, to which the unsophisticated reader lagged behind his middle class compatriots = Aquí tenemos una clara indicación del grado en el que, durante el siglo dieciocho, el lector normal iba por detrás de sus compatriotas de clase media.
    Ex: There is a need for unpretentious, informative manuals which help readers to play bowls, arrange flowers, decorate the house, and the like.
    Ex: The term 'librarian' may confer the impression of being a quiet, respectable and unassuming person and consequently be useful on insurance forms, passports and rental agreements.
    Ex: The best path, the film implies, is a middle way, combining worldliness with a folksy morality, one that respects family and individual alike.
    Ex: The author chronicles the exuberant stories, hyperbole, homespun speech and demigod characteristics of American 'tall tales'.
    Ex: Above all the journal wishes to provide research and comment in a form that is easily and quickly understood: a fresh, rigorous, but unfussy, writing style is what is aimed for.
    Ex: It is an example of an uncomplicated but practical and successful artificial intelligence application.
    Ex: Children which lack reading experience should be presented with a sequence of shorter, very directly told, and uncomplicatedly structured books, rather than with denser and more subtle texts.
    Ex: Overall, he provides a low-keyed, lucid account that, with its many-leveled approach, does more than justice to the complex themes it studies.
    Ex: This is a good guide for independent travellers looking for cheap, no-frills intercity transport around the country.
    Ex: Cooking dry beans in the crockpot makes them relatively hassle-free.
    * codificación directa de fila sencilla = single row direct coding.
    * de una manera más sencilla = in digestible form.
    * disco sencillo = single.
    * habitación sencilla = single room.

    * * *
    1 ‹ejercicio/problema› simple, straightforward
    no era sencillo hacerlos entrar it wasn't easy o it was no simple task getting them in
    2 ‹persona› modest, unassuming; ‹vestido/estilo› simple, plain; ‹casa/comida› simple, modest
    son gentes sencillas y trabajadoras they are simple, hardworking people
    el disco es sencillote y comercial the record is unsophisticated o crude and commercial
    1 ‹flor› single
    2 (único) single
    una escopeta de cañón sencilla a single-barreled gun
    coser con hilo sencillo to sew with single thread
    3 (Esp, Méx) ‹billete› one-way ( AmE), single ( BrE)
    A (disco) single
    B ( AmL) (dinero suelto) change
    C (Esp, Méx) (billete de ida) one-way ticket ( AmE), single ( BrE), single ticket ( BrE)
    * * *


    sencillo 1
    ◊ - lla adjetivo

    a)ejercicio/problema simple, straightforward;

    vestido/estilo simple, plain;
    casa/comida simple, modest
    2 (Esp, Méx) (Transp) one-way (AmE), single (BrE)
    sencillo 2 sustantivo masculino
    1 ( disco) single
    2 (AmL) ( dinero suelto) change
    3 (Esp, Méx) (Transp) one-way ticket (AmE), single (ticket) (BrE)
    I adjetivo
    1 (una solución, un problema) simple, easy
    2 (un vestido, diseño) simple, plain
    3 (persona) natural, unassuming
    4 (habitación, billete) single
    II sustantivo masculino (billete, disco) single
    ' sencillo' also found in these entries:
    - elemental
    - fácil
    - manejo
    - sencilla
    - simple
    - sobria
    - sobrio
    - tirada
    - tirado
    - down-home
    - easy
    - neat
    - plain
    - simple
    - single
    - single-space
    - straightforward
    - change
    - fool
    - low
    - painless
    - small
    - straight
    - unaffected
    - unassuming
    - unsophisticated
    * * *
    sencillo, -a
    1. [fácil] simple;
    no fue sencillo convencerla it was not easy to convince her
    2. [sin lujo] [decoración, vestido] simple
    3. [claro, natural] [lenguaje, estilo] simple
    4. [campechano] natural, unaffected;
    es muy sencillo en el trato he's very natural o unaffected
    5. [billete] Br single, US one-way
    6. [no múltiple] single;
    1. [disco] single
    2. Andes, CAm, Méx Fam [cambio] loose change
    * * *
    I adj simple;
    gente(s) sencilla(s) simple people
    II m
    1 L.Am.
    small change
    2 en béisbol base hit
    * * *
    sencillo, - lla adj
    1) : simple, easy
    2) : plain, unaffected
    3) : single
    1) : single (recording)
    2) : small change (coins)
    3) : one-way ticket
    * * *

    Spanish-English dictionary > sencillo

  • 4 gentío

    1 crowd, mob, lot of people, large group of people.
    2 common people, mob.
    * * *
    1 crowd
    ¡qué gentío! what a crowd!
    * * *
    SM crowd, throng
    * * *
    masculino crowd
    * * *
    = crowd, mob, foot traffic, maddening crowd, throng of people, rabble.
    Ex. The second example specifies, 'far adj3 crowd', that the two words, 'far' and 'crowd', must appear within 3 words of one another.
    Ex. Whilst in Panizzi's employ, Edward refused to act as a special constable to protect the British Museum against the Chartist mobs.
    Ex. Hidden among the shops (and foot traffic) of Reid Street, this new product requires sleuthlike skills to find.
    Ex. Traffic in the morning, trash at the end of the day, and a chaos of people trying to navigate the maddening crowd in between.
    Ex. We were amazed at the throngs of people out and about that day, enjoying the unusually warm and sunny October afternoon.
    Ex. On his return, his house was assaulted by a large concourse of rabble, who broke all the windows and attacked, pelted, beat and otherwise ill-treated him.
    * lejos del gentío = away from the maddening crowds, far from the maddening crowd(s).
    * perderse entre el gentío = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * * *
    masculino crowd
    * * *
    = crowd, mob, foot traffic, maddening crowd, throng of people, rabble.

    Ex: The second example specifies, 'far adj3 crowd', that the two words, 'far' and 'crowd', must appear within 3 words of one another.

    Ex: Whilst in Panizzi's employ, Edward refused to act as a special constable to protect the British Museum against the Chartist mobs.
    Ex: Hidden among the shops (and foot traffic) of Reid Street, this new product requires sleuthlike skills to find.
    Ex: Traffic in the morning, trash at the end of the day, and a chaos of people trying to navigate the maddening crowd in between.
    Ex: We were amazed at the throngs of people out and about that day, enjoying the unusually warm and sunny October afternoon.
    Ex: On his return, his house was assaulted by a large concourse of rabble, who broke all the windows and attacked, pelted, beat and otherwise ill-treated him.
    * lejos del gentío = away from the maddening crowds, far from the maddening crowd(s).
    * perderse entre el gentío = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.

    * * *
    un gran gentío acudió a recibirlos a great crowd (of people) came to meet them
    había tal gentío que me volví a casa there were so many people there o it was so crowded that I went home again
    * * *

    gentío sustantivo masculino
    gentío sustantivo masculino crowd
    ' gentío' also found in these entries:
    - mill about
    - mill around
    - miss
    - press
    - riotous
    - throng
    - merge
    - spot
    * * *
    se perdió entre el gentío he disappeared into the crowd
    * * *
    m crowd
    * * *
    muchedumbre, multitud: crowd, mob
    * * *
    gentío n crowd / crowd of people

    Spanish-English dictionary > gentío

  • 5 glaseado

    glazed, glossy, glacé.
    icing, glaze, glazing.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: glasear.
    * * *
    1 glacé
    * * *
    ADJ (=brillante) glazed, glossy; [tela] glacé
    SM [de papel, pastel] glaze
    * * *
    masculino glaze
    * * *
    = icing, sugar icing, glacé, candied.
    Ex. The book covers the following topics: cereals and pastas; vegetables and fruits; breads; desserts and cookies; cakes and icings; and pastry and pies.
    Ex. Her paintings and drawings depict food and her sculptures are made of marzipan, chocolate icing, sugar icing, and cookies.
    Ex. Exports of fruit products consisted mainly of fruit juice and canned, pulped, glacé and otherwise preserved fruits.
    Ex. Panelists rated the candied products from all treatments as slightly astringent to not astringent.
    * baño de azúcar glaseado = glacé icing.
    * castañas glaseadas = marron glacé.
    * cereza glaseada = glacé cherry.
    * fruta glaseada = glacé fruit, candied fruit.
    * frutos secos glaseados = marron glacé.
    * * *
    masculino glaze
    * * *
    = icing, sugar icing, glacé, candied.

    Ex: The book covers the following topics: cereals and pastas; vegetables and fruits; breads; desserts and cookies; cakes and icings; and pastry and pies.

    Ex: Her paintings and drawings depict food and her sculptures are made of marzipan, chocolate icing, sugar icing, and cookies.
    Ex: Exports of fruit products consisted mainly of fruit juice and canned, pulped, glacé and otherwise preserved fruits.
    Ex: Panelists rated the candied products from all treatments as slightly astringent to not astringent.
    * baño de azúcar glaseado = glacé icing.
    * castañas glaseadas = marron glacé.
    * cereza glaseada = glacé cherry.
    * fruta glaseada = glacé fruit, candied fruit.
    * frutos secos glaseados = marron glacé.

    * * *
    (de tela, papel) glaze; ( Coc) glaze
    * * *
    glaseado, -a
    1. [de postre] icing
    2. [de superficie, tela] glaze
    * * *
    : glaze, icing

    Spanish-English dictionary > glaseado

  • 6 muchedumbre

    crowd, throng.
    * * *
    2 (de cosas) pile
    * * *
    noun f.
    multitude, crowd
    * * *
    1) [de personas] crowd, throng; pey mob, herd
    2) [de pájaros] flock
    * * *
    femenino crowd
    * * *
    = mob, throng, crowd, maddening crowd, throng of people, concourse, rabble.
    Ex. Whilst in Panizzi's employ, Edward refused to act as a special constable to protect the British Museum against the Chartist mobs.
    Ex. IFLA-goers joined throngs of Brits to watch the military tattoo as kilted bagpipers and military units from around the world displayed their musical and marching skills.
    Ex. The second example specifies, 'far adj3 crowd', that the two words, 'far' and 'crowd', must appear within 3 words of one another.
    Ex. Traffic in the morning, trash at the end of the day, and a chaos of people trying to navigate the maddening crowd in between.
    Ex. We were amazed at the throngs of people out and about that day, enjoying the unusually warm and sunny October afternoon.
    Ex. The remains were followed by a large concourse of people and were laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery, near Bancroft Nebraska.
    Ex. On his return, his house was assaulted by a large concourse of rabble, who broke all the windows and attacked, pelted, beat and otherwise ill-treated him.
    * lejos de la muchedumbre = away from the maddening crowds, far from the maddening crowd(s).
    * perderse entre la muchedumbre = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.
    * * *
    femenino crowd
    * * *
    = mob, throng, crowd, maddening crowd, throng of people, concourse, rabble.

    Ex: Whilst in Panizzi's employ, Edward refused to act as a special constable to protect the British Museum against the Chartist mobs.

    Ex: IFLA-goers joined throngs of Brits to watch the military tattoo as kilted bagpipers and military units from around the world displayed their musical and marching skills.
    Ex: The second example specifies, 'far adj3 crowd', that the two words, 'far' and 'crowd', must appear within 3 words of one another.
    Ex: Traffic in the morning, trash at the end of the day, and a chaos of people trying to navigate the maddening crowd in between.
    Ex: We were amazed at the throngs of people out and about that day, enjoying the unusually warm and sunny October afternoon.
    Ex: The remains were followed by a large concourse of people and were laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery, near Bancroft Nebraska.
    Ex: On his return, his house was assaulted by a large concourse of rabble, who broke all the windows and attacked, pelted, beat and otherwise ill-treated him.
    * lejos de la muchedumbre = away from the maddening crowds, far from the maddening crowd(s).
    * perderse entre la muchedumbre = lose + Reflexivo + amid the crowd.

    * * *
    crowd, mass of people, throng
    * * *

    muchedumbre sustantivo femenino
    muchedumbre f (de personas) crowd: no podía distinguirle entre la muchedumbre, I couldn't make him out in the crowd
    ' muchedumbre' also found in these entries:
    - arrollar
    - compacto
    - entre
    - multitud
    - pulular
    - multitude
    - rabble
    - thin out
    - thrust aside
    - drift
    - melt
    - throng
    * * *
    [de gente] crowd, throng; [de cosas] great number, masses
    * * *
    f crowd
    * * *
    multitud: crowd, multitude
    * * *
    muchedumbre n crowd

    Spanish-English dictionary > muchedumbre

  • 7 poco convincente

    unconvincing, feeble, inconclusive, invalid.
    * * *
    (adj.) = unconvincing, inconclusive, pat, feeble
    Ex. This text contains its share of irrelevant allusions included by authors 'to add artistic verisimilitude to a bald and otherwise unconvincing narrative', to quote another favourite source.
    Ex. A considerable literature exists on the empirical validity of Lotka's law; however, these studies are mainly incomparable and inconclusive, owing to substantial differences in the analytical methods applied.
    Ex. When challenged about their crimes, many offenders provide pat justifications.
    Ex. Mearns warns us, 'Recollection is treacherous; it is usually too broad or too narrow for another's use; and what is more serious, it is frequently undependable and worn and feeble'.
    * * *
    (adj.) = unconvincing, inconclusive, pat, feeble

    Ex: This text contains its share of irrelevant allusions included by authors 'to add artistic verisimilitude to a bald and otherwise unconvincing narrative', to quote another favourite source.

    Ex: A considerable literature exists on the empirical validity of Lotka's law; however, these studies are mainly incomparable and inconclusive, owing to substantial differences in the analytical methods applied.
    Ex: When challenged about their crimes, many offenders provide pat justifications.
    Ex: Mearns warns us, 'Recollection is treacherous; it is usually too broad or too narrow for another's use; and what is more serious, it is frequently undependable and worn and feeble'.

    Spanish-English dictionary > poco convincente

  • 8 favorito

    favorite, chosen, favourite, fancied.
    favorite, favourite, darling.
    * * *
    1 favourite (US favorite)
    nombre masculino,nombre femenino
    1 favourite (US favorite)
    * * *
    (f. - favorita)
    noun adj.
    * * *
    favorito, -a
    ADJ SM / F favourite, favorite (EEUU)
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo/masculino, femenino favorite*
    * * *
    = favourite [favorite, -USA], favourite [favorite, -USA], pick, Nombre + of choice, front runner, best-loved.
    Ex. This text contains its share of irrelevant allusions included by authors 'to add artistic verisimilitude to a bald and otherwise unconvincing narrative', to quote another favourite source.
    Ex. After having read many novels by many different authors, one gets less partisan, one is able to see faults even in one's favorites.
    Ex. The October 2002 issue of CONVERGE magazine lists their picks for the 'Shapers of the Future 2002' -- 'today's leaders and innovators who have dreamed and accomplished mighty things in technology and education'.
    Ex. In the future this may become the method of choice.
    Ex. As such this is one of the front runners of the next generation of library management systems.
    Ex. Sleeping Beauty is one of the best-loved ballets in the world.
    * dicho favorito = catchphrase.
    * el más favorito del mes = pick of the month.
    * expresión favorita = catchphrase.
    * frase favorita = catchphrase.
    * materia favorita = pet subject.
    * tema favorito = hobby-horse.
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo/masculino, femenino favorite*
    * * *
    = favourite [favorite, -USA], favourite [favorite, -USA], pick, Nombre + of choice, front runner, best-loved.

    Ex: This text contains its share of irrelevant allusions included by authors 'to add artistic verisimilitude to a bald and otherwise unconvincing narrative', to quote another favourite source.

    Ex: After having read many novels by many different authors, one gets less partisan, one is able to see faults even in one's favorites.
    Ex: The October 2002 issue of CONVERGE magazine lists their picks for the 'Shapers of the Future 2002' -- 'today's leaders and innovators who have dreamed and accomplished mighty things in technology and education'.
    Ex: In the future this may become the method of choice.
    Ex: As such this is one of the front runners of the next generation of library management systems.
    Ex: Sleeping Beauty is one of the best-loved ballets in the world.
    * dicho favorito = catchphrase.
    * el más favorito del mes = pick of the month.
    * expresión favorita = catchphrase.
    * frase favorita = catchphrase.
    * materia favorita = pet subject.
    * tema favorito = hobby-horse.

    * * *
    favorito1 -ta
    favorito2 -ta
    A masculine, feminine favorite*
    partió como claro favorito he started as clear favorite
    una de las favoritas del rey one of the king's favorites
    logró vencer al segundo/tercer favorito del torneo she succeeded in beating the tournament’s second/third favorite
    favoritos mpl ( Inf) favorites
    agregar a favoritos to add to favorites, bookmark
    * * *


    ◊ -ta adjetivo/ sustantivo masculino, femenino

    favorite( conjugate favorite)
    favorito,-a adjetivo & sustantivo masculino y femenino favourite, US favorite

    ' favorito' also found in these entries:
    - teutón
    - teutona
    - teutónica
    - teutónico
    - bookmark
    - doze
    - evergreen
    - favourite
    - haunt
    - hobbyhorse
    - lobster
    - odds-on
    - our
    - pet
    - favorite
    * * *
    favorito, -a
    * * *
    I adj favorite, Br
    II m, favorita f favorite, Br
    * * *
    favorito, -ta adj & n
    : favorite
    * * *
    favorito adj n favourite
    ¿cuál es tu color favorito? what's your favourite colour?

    Spanish-English dictionary > favorito

  • 9 insensible

    1 insensitive (indiferente).
    2 numb (entumecido).
    3 imperceptible (imperceptible).
    4 unfeeling, hardhearted, cold-blooded, cold-hearted.
    * * *
    1 insensitive, unfeeling, thoughtless
    2 MEDICINA insensible
    3 (imperceptible) insensible, imperceptible
    * * *
    1) [persona] (=indiferente) insensitive (a to)
    (=no afectado) unaffected (a by)
    2) [cambio] imperceptible
    3) (Med) (=inconsciente) insensible, unconscious; (=entumecido) numb
    * * *
    adjetivo insensitive

    es insensible a mis súplicashe is oblivious o insensible to my entreaties

    * * *
    = insensitive, hard-hearted, callous, unfeeling, thick-skinned, insensible, unemotional.
    Ex. In addition, Ms. Marshall has done a great deal of research in the area of subject control, particularly with respect to ethnically and otherwise insensitive topical and name headings.
    Ex. For her refusal, Isabella has received a great deal of blame from subsequent critics, who call her a hard-hearted prude.
    Ex. Not all large publishing companies are conducted in a callous and philistine manner, motivated solely by profit.
    Ex. The discourteous, unfeeling, & degrading reception encountered by job applicants is discussed.
    Ex. Business was represented by hard-nosed, thick-skinned managers with no inclination to adopt academia's language and critiques.
    Ex. Electrical stunning renders an animal instantly insensible by inducing a grand mal epileptic seizure.
    Ex. Australian researchers have observed that four to eight year-old boys who have an unemotional temperament are less responsive to discipline.
    * insensible a las diferencias de género = gender blind.
    * * *
    adjetivo insensitive

    es insensible a mis súplicashe is oblivious o insensible to my entreaties

    * * *
    = insensitive, hard-hearted, callous, unfeeling, thick-skinned, insensible, unemotional.

    Ex: In addition, Ms. Marshall has done a great deal of research in the area of subject control, particularly with respect to ethnically and otherwise insensitive topical and name headings.

    Ex: For her refusal, Isabella has received a great deal of blame from subsequent critics, who call her a hard-hearted prude.
    Ex: Not all large publishing companies are conducted in a callous and philistine manner, motivated solely by profit.
    Ex: The discourteous, unfeeling, & degrading reception encountered by job applicants is discussed.
    Ex: Business was represented by hard-nosed, thick-skinned managers with no inclination to adopt academia's language and critiques.
    Ex: Electrical stunning renders an animal instantly insensible by inducing a grand mal epileptic seizure.
    Ex: Australian researchers have observed that four to eight year-old boys who have an unemotional temperament are less responsive to discipline.
    * insensible a las diferencias de género = gender blind.

    * * *
    1 ‹persona› insensitive insensible A algo oblivious o insensible TO sth
    es insensible a mis súplicas he is oblivious o insensible to my entreaties
    2 ( Med) ‹miembro/nervio› insensitive
    insensible al frío insensitive to the cold, not feeling the cold
    * * *

    insensible adjetivo

    insensible adjetivo
    1 (impasible, inconmovible) insensitive [a, to]
    2 (difícil de percibir) imperceptible
    3 Med (sin sensibilidad) numb: es insensible al calor, she doesn't feel the heat

    ' insensible' also found in these entries:
    - duro
    - impasible
    - sorda
    - sordo
    - endurecer
    - crass
    - hard
    - hard-boiled
    - hard-hearted
    - hardened
    - impervious
    - insensitive
    - numb
    - unfeeling
    - cold
    - insensible
    - skin
    - thick
    * * *
    1. [indiferente] insensitive (a to);
    es insensible a su sufrimiento she's indifferent to his suffering
    2. [físicamente] insensitive (a to);
    es insensible al calor he doesn't feel the heat
    3. [imperceptible] imperceptible
    * * *
    adj insensitive (a to)
    * * *
    : insensitive, unfeeling
    * * *
    1. (persona) insensitive
    2. (miembro) numb

    Spanish-English dictionary > insensible

  • 10 maltratar

    1 to ill-treat.
    maltrató a su mujer durante cinco años he mistreated his wife over a five-year period
    la novela fue maltratada por la crítica the novel was mauled by the critics
    2 to damage.
    3 to hurt, to cause pain to.
    Ella maltrata a su madre She hurts her mother.
    4 to abuse, to ill-treat, to kick around, to knock about.
    Ellos maltrataron al chico They abused the boy.
    5 to mishandle, to bang about, to bang around, to handle roughly.
    El correo maltrató el paquete The mail mishandled the package.
    * * *
    1 (tratar mal) to ill-treat, mistreat; (pegar) to batter
    * * *
    * * *
    1) [+ persona] (=tratar mal) to ill-treat, maltreat, abuse; (=pegar) to batter, abuse
    2) [+ cosas] to handle roughly
    3) (tb: maltratar de palabra) to abuse, insult
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <persona/animal> to maltreat, ill-treat, mistreat; ( pegar) <niño/mujer> to batter
    b) <juguete/coche> to mistreat, treat... very roughly
    * * *
    = mistreat, batter, maltreat, manhandle, sandbag, lay + a finger on, ill-treat.
    Ex. Some authors, of course, object to their work being subjected to compulsory dissection for exams in the traditional deadly manner and like Bernard Shaw, they swear to haunt anyone who so mistreats them (Shaw's ghost must be busy these days).
    Ex. But the early cylinder machines worked less accurately than the platens, tending to slur the impression and batter the type.
    Ex. Despite these findings, the label 'social isolation' may not accurately describe mothers who maltreat their children.
    Ex. The 300 people, students or other, who took over the premises also manhandled ancient works of great historical value.
    Ex. Bill Clinton did not get sandbagged; he knew exactly what he was doing.
    Ex. That's why he's in prison for the rest of his life when he never laid a finger on the victims -- he was the general who ordered his troops into battle.
    Ex. On his return, his house was assaulted by a large concourse of rabble, who broke all the windows and attacked, pelted, beat and otherwise ill-treated him.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <persona/animal> to maltreat, ill-treat, mistreat; ( pegar) <niño/mujer> to batter
    b) <juguete/coche> to mistreat, treat... very roughly
    * * *
    = mistreat, batter, maltreat, manhandle, sandbag, lay + a finger on, ill-treat.

    Ex: Some authors, of course, object to their work being subjected to compulsory dissection for exams in the traditional deadly manner and like Bernard Shaw, they swear to haunt anyone who so mistreats them (Shaw's ghost must be busy these days).

    Ex: But the early cylinder machines worked less accurately than the platens, tending to slur the impression and batter the type.
    Ex: Despite these findings, the label 'social isolation' may not accurately describe mothers who maltreat their children.
    Ex: The 300 people, students or other, who took over the premises also manhandled ancient works of great historical value.
    Ex: Bill Clinton did not get sandbagged; he knew exactly what he was doing.
    Ex: That's why he's in prison for the rest of his life when he never laid a finger on the victims -- he was the general who ordered his troops into battle.
    Ex: On his return, his house was assaulted by a large concourse of rabble, who broke all the windows and attacked, pelted, beat and otherwise ill-treated him.

    * * *
    maltratar [A1 ]
    1 ‹persona/animal› to maltreat, ill-treat, mistreat; (pegar) ‹niño/mujer› to batter
    2 ‹juguete/coche› to mistreat, treat … very roughly
    * * *

    maltratar ( conjugate maltratar) verbo transitivo
    a)persona/animal to maltreat, ill-treat, mistreat;

    ( pegar) ‹niño/mujer to batter
    b)juguete/coche to mistreat, treat … very roughly

    maltratar verbo transitivo
    1 (un objeto) to mistreat
    2 (psicológicamente) to ill-treat, (golpear) to batter
    ' maltratar' also found in these entries:
    - batter
    - ill-treat
    - maltreat
    - manhandle
    - maul
    - mistreat
    - pull about
    - rough
    - beat
    - ill
    - kick
    - man
    * * *
    1. [pegar, insultar] to ill-treat;
    maltrató a su mujer durante cinco años he mistreated his wife over a five-year period;
    la novela fue maltratada por la crítica the novel was mauled by the critics
    2. [estropear] to damage
    * * *
    v/t ill-treat, mistreat
    * * *
    1) : to mistreat, to abuse
    2) : to damage, to spoil
    * * *
    maltratar vb to mistreat

    Spanish-English dictionary > maltratar

  • 11 turba

    1 peat, turf (combustible).
    3 crowd, mob, disorderly crowd, rout.
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: turbar.
    * * *
    1 (combustible) peat, turf
    2 (abono) peat, peat moss
    1 (muchedumbre) mob, crowd
    * * *
    SF (=combustible) peat
    SF (=muchedumbre) crowd, throng; [en movimiento] swarm; pey mob
    * * *
    1) ( carbón) peat
    2) ( muchedumbre) mob
    * * *
    = mob, peat, rabble.
    Ex. Whilst in Panizzi's employ, Edward refused to act as a special constable to protect the British Museum against the Chartist mobs.
    Ex. These are animal sculptures created from natural materials, e.g., hay, moss and peat.
    Ex. On his return, his house was assaulted by a large concourse of rabble, who broke all the windows and attacked, pelted, beat and otherwise ill-treated him.
    * de turba = peaty.
    * * *
    1) ( carbón) peat
    2) ( muchedumbre) mob
    * * *
    = mob, peat, rabble.

    Ex: Whilst in Panizzi's employ, Edward refused to act as a special constable to protect the British Museum against the Chartist mobs.

    Ex: These are animal sculptures created from natural materials, e.g., hay, moss and peat.
    Ex: On his return, his house was assaulted by a large concourse of rabble, who broke all the windows and attacked, pelted, beat and otherwise ill-treated him.
    * de turba = peaty.

    * * *
    A (carbón) peat
    * * *

    Del verbo turbar: ( conjugate turbar)

    turba es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo

    2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo

    Multiple Entries:
    turbar ( conjugate turbar) verbo transitivo
    1 (liter o period) ‹orden/silencio to disturb
    2 (liter o period) (aturdir, confundir):

    su presencia lo turbó her presence made him uncomfortable
    turbarse verbo pronominal (liter o period) (aturdirse, confundirse):
    la besó en la mejilla y se turbó he kissed her on the cheek and she was covered with confusion (liter);

    se turbó ante tantos elogios such praise confused and embarrassed him
    turba sustantivo femenino
    1 Min (carbón natural) peat
    2 pey (multitud agitada) herd, crowd
    turbar verbo transitivo
    1 (confundir, desconcertar) to baffle, shock
    (causar torpeza, timidez) to embarrass
    2 (perturbar) to unsettle
    turbar la calma, to disturb peace
    turbar la razón, to drive mad

    ' turba' also found in these entries:
    - peat
    - turf
    * * *
    turba nf
    1. [combustible] peat
    2. [muchedumbre] mob
    * * *
    1 ( muchedumbre) throng
    2 ( carbón) peat
    * * *
    turba nf
    1) : peat
    2) : mob, throng

    Spanish-English dictionary > turba

  • 12 acaramelado

    1 caramelized, caramel-covered, caramel-coated, sugary.
    2 blissfully enamored.
    3 caramel-colored, caramel-coloured, caramel-hued.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: acaramelar.
    * * *
    1→ link=acaramelar acaramelar
    1 (sabor) oversweet
    2 (color) caramel-coloured (US caramel-colored)
    3 figurado (pareja) lovey-dovey, starry-eyed; (voz) syrupy, sugary
    * * *
    1) (Culin)

    con sabor acarameladotoffee-flavoured o (EEUU) -flavored

    de color acarameladotoffee-coloured o (EEUU) -colored

    2) (fig) (=dulce) sugary, oversweet; (=correcto) over-polite

    estaban acaramelados[amantes] they were all lovey-dovey *

    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    a) < pareja>
    b) < voz> sugary
    c) (Coc) toffee-coated
    * * *
    = glacé, candied.
    Ex. Exports of fruit products consisted mainly of fruit juice and canned, pulped, glacé and otherwise preserved fruits.
    Ex. Panelists rated the candied products from all treatments as slightly astringent to not astringent.
    * fruta acaramelada = glacé fruit, candied fruit.
    * manzana acaramelada = toffee apple, candied apple, candy apple.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo
    a) < pareja>
    b) < voz> sugary
    c) (Coc) toffee-coated
    * * *
    = glacé, candied.

    Ex: Exports of fruit products consisted mainly of fruit juice and canned, pulped, glacé and otherwise preserved fruits.

    Ex: Panelists rated the candied products from all treatments as slightly astringent to not astringent.
    * fruta acaramelada = glacé fruit, candied fruit.
    * manzana acaramelada = toffee apple, candied apple, candy apple.

    * * *
    1 [ ESTAR] ‹novios/pareja› lovey-dovey ( colloq), all over each other ( colloq)
    2 ‹voz› sugary
    3 ( Coc) toffee-coated
    manzanas acarameladas toffee apples
    * * *

    Del verbo acaramelar: ( conjugate acaramelar)

    acaramelado es:

    el participio

    Multiple Entries:
    ◊ -da adjetivo

    a) pareja›:

    b) voz sugary

    c) (Coc) toffee-coated;

    molde coated with caramel
    acaramelado,-a adjetivo
    1 (alimento) coated with caramel
    2 (personas) se les vio juntos y muy acaramelados, they were engrossed in one another
    ' acaramelado' also found in these entries:
    * * *
    acaramelado, -a adj
    1. Fam [pareja] lovey-dovey;
    los vi muy acaramelados en un banco del parque I saw them being all lovey-dovey on one of the park benches
    2. Fam [afectado] sugary (sweet)
    3. [con caramelo] covered in caramel
    * * *
    lovey-dovey fam

    Spanish-English dictionary > acaramelado

  • 13 chusma

    rabble, mob.
    * * *
    1 riffraff, rabble, mob
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    SF rabble, riffraff
    * * *
    femenino ( gentuza) rabble (pl), plebs (pl) (colloq)
    * * *
    = riffraff, mob, rabble.
    Ex. And of course, journalism is a messy business often, that attracts riffraff like me.
    Ex. Whilst in Panizzi's employ, Edward refused to act as a special constable to protect the British Museum against the Chartist mobs.
    Ex. On his return, his house was assaulted by a large concourse of rabble, who broke all the windows and attacked, pelted, beat and otherwise ill-treated him.
    * * *
    femenino ( gentuza) rabble (pl), plebs (pl) (colloq)
    * * *
    = riffraff, mob, rabble.

    Ex: And of course, journalism is a messy business often, that attracts riffraff like me.

    Ex: Whilst in Panizzi's employ, Edward refused to act as a special constable to protect the British Museum against the Chartist mobs.
    Ex: On his return, his house was assaulted by a large concourse of rabble, who broke all the windows and attacked, pelted, beat and otherwise ill-treated him.

    * * *
    ( RPl fam) gossipy ( colloq)
    A (gentuza) rabble (pl), plebs (pl) ( colloq)
    * * *

    chusma sustantivo femenino
    rabble (pl), plebs (pl) (colloq)
    chusma sustantivo femenino pey rabble, mob
    ' chusma' also found in these entries:
    - plebe
    - riffraff
    - vermin
    - white trash
    - rabble
    * * *
    RP [chismoso] gossipy
    RP [chismoso] gossip
    rabble, mob
    * * *
    rabble desp
    * * *
    chusma nf
    gentuza: riffraff, rabble

    Spanish-English dictionary > chusma

  • 14 escueto

    plain, bare, concise, unadorned.
    * * *
    1 (sin adornos) bare, plain, unadorned
    2 (conciso) concise, brief, succinct
    * * *
    (f. - escueta)
    plain, simple, concise
    * * *
    ADJ [verdad] plain, naked; [estilo] simple; [explicación, presentación] concise, succinct
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo < explicación> succinct; <lenguaje/estilo> concise, plain
    * * *
    = stark, bald, lean [leaner -comp., leanest -sup.], terse.
    Ex. To be sure, it still has its congeries of mills and factories, its grimy huddle of frame dwellings and congested tenements, its stark, jagged skyline, but its old face is gradually changing.
    Ex. This text contains its share of irrelevant allusions included by authors 'to add artistic verisimilitude to a bald and otherwise unconvincing narrative', to quote another favourite source.
    Ex. While Baskerville's italic was a lean, elegant letter, the most radical departure from tradition since the French academic italic of the 1690s.
    Ex. This terse McLuhanesque turn of phrase is at the core of what I want to talk about today.
    * * *
    - ta adjetivo < explicación> succinct; <lenguaje/estilo> concise, plain
    * * *
    = stark, bald, lean [leaner -comp., leanest -sup.], terse.

    Ex: To be sure, it still has its congeries of mills and factories, its grimy huddle of frame dwellings and congested tenements, its stark, jagged skyline, but its old face is gradually changing.

    Ex: This text contains its share of irrelevant allusions included by authors 'to add artistic verisimilitude to a bald and otherwise unconvincing narrative', to quote another favourite source.
    Ex: While Baskerville's italic was a lean, elegant letter, the most radical departure from tradition since the French academic italic of the 1690s.
    Ex: This terse McLuhanesque turn of phrase is at the core of what I want to talk about today.

    * * *
    escueto -ta
    ‹explicación› succinct; ‹lenguaje/estilo› concise, plain
    no se extendió mucho, fue muy escueto al respecto he didn't go into great detail, he was very succinct
    su mensaje fue escueto his message was concise o brief
    * * *

    ◊ -ta adjetivo ‹ explicación succinct;

    lenguaje/estilo concise, plain;

    escueto,-a adjetivo plain
    (lenguaje) concise

    ' escueto' also found in these entries:
    - crisp
    - stark
    * * *
    escueto, -a adj
    [sucinto] concise; [sobrio] plain, unadorned;
    fue o [m5] estuvo muy escueto en la rueda de prensa he was rather unforthcoming at the press conference
    * * *
    adj succinct, concise
    * * *
    escueto, -ta adj
    1) : plain, simple
    2) : succinct, concise
    escuetamente adv

    Spanish-English dictionary > escueto

  • 15 gentuza

    riffraff, rabble (Pejorative).
    * * *
    1 peyorativo mob, rabble, riffraff
    * * *
    SF pey (=populacho) rabble, mob; (=chusma) riffraff

    ¡qué gentuza! — what a rabble! *, what a shower! *

    * * *
    femenino (pey) riffraff (pej), rabble (pej)
    * * *
    = riffraff, rabble.
    Ex. And of course, journalism is a messy business often, that attracts riffraff like me.
    Ex. On his return, his house was assaulted by a large concourse of rabble, who broke all the windows and attacked, pelted, beat and otherwise ill-treated him.
    * * *
    femenino (pey) riffraff (pej), rabble (pej)
    * * *
    = riffraff, rabble.

    Ex: And of course, journalism is a messy business often, that attracts riffraff like me.

    Ex: On his return, his house was assaulted by a large concourse of rabble, who broke all the windows and attacked, pelted, beat and otherwise ill-treated him.

    * * *
    ( pey)
    riffraff ( pej), rabble ( pej)
    * * *

    gentuza sustantivo femenino (pey) riffraff (pej), rabble (pej)
    gentuza f pey riffraff
    ' gentuza' also found in these entries:
    - shower
    * * *
    Pey riffraff, rabble
    * * *
    f rabble
    * * *
    chusma: riffraff, rabble

    Spanish-English dictionary > gentuza

  • 16 inapropiado

    1 inappropriate, inconvenient, improper, uncalled-for.
    2 unsuitable, ill-fitted, inadequate, inappropriate.
    * * *
    1 inappropriate
    * * *
    (f. - inapropiada)
    * * *
    ADJ unsuitable, inappropriate
    * * *
    - da adjetivo inappropriate
    * * *
    = inappropriate, insensitive, wide of the mark.
    Ex. A scheme should allow relocation, in order to rectify an inappropriate placement, to eliminate dual provision (more than one place for one subject) to make room for new subjects.
    Ex. In addition, Ms. Marshall has done a great deal of research in the area of subject control, particularly with respect to ethnically and otherwise insensitive topical and name headings.
    Ex. The reviewer, focusing on questions of methodology, finds the book often wide of its mark and the method historically licentious.
    * * *
    - da adjetivo inappropriate
    * * *
    = inappropriate, insensitive, wide of the mark.

    Ex: A scheme should allow relocation, in order to rectify an inappropriate placement, to eliminate dual provision (more than one place for one subject) to make room for new subjects.

    Ex: In addition, Ms. Marshall has done a great deal of research in the area of subject control, particularly with respect to ethnically and otherwise insensitive topical and name headings.
    Ex: The reviewer, focusing on questions of methodology, finds the book often wide of its mark and the method historically licentious.

    * * *
    * * *

    ◊ -da adjetivo

    inapropiado adjetivo unsuitable, inappropriate

    ' inapropiado' also found in these entries:
    - impropio
    - salida
    - misplaced
    - place
    - unsuitable
    - incongruous
    * * *
    inapropiado, -a adj
    inappropriate, unsuitable
    * * *
    adj inappropriate
    * * *
    inapropiado, -da adj
    : inappropriate, unsuitable

    Spanish-English dictionary > inapropiado

  • 17 caramelizado

    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: caramelizar.
    * * *
    * * *
    = glacé, candied.
    Ex. Exports of fruit products consisted mainly of fruit juice and canned, pulped, glacé and otherwise preserved fruits.
    Ex. Panelists rated the candied products from all treatments as slightly astringent to not astringent.
    * * *
    = glacé, candied.

    Ex: Exports of fruit products consisted mainly of fruit juice and canned, pulped, glacé and otherwise preserved fruits.

    Ex: Panelists rated the candied products from all treatments as slightly astringent to not astringent.

    Spanish-English dictionary > caramelizado

  • 18 confitado

    candied, glacé, coated with a sugar glaze, sugar-coated.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: confitar.
    * * *
    1→ link=confitar confitar
    1 (fruta) candied, glacé
    frutas confitadas candied fruit sing
    * * *
    * * *
    = glacé, candied.
    Ex. Exports of fruit products consisted mainly of fruit juice and canned, pulped, glacé and otherwise preserved fruits.
    Ex. Panelists rated the candied products from all treatments as slightly astringent to not astringent.
    * cereza confitada = glacé cherry.
    * fruta confitada = crystallised fruit, glacé fruit, candied fruit.
    * * *
    = glacé, candied.

    Ex: Exports of fruit products consisted mainly of fruit juice and canned, pulped, glacé and otherwise preserved fruits.

    Ex: Panelists rated the candied products from all treatments as slightly astringent to not astringent.
    * cereza confitada = glacé cherry.
    * fruta confitada = crystallised fruit, glacé fruit, candied fruit.

    * * *
    confitado, -a adj
    frutas confitadas crystallized fruit
    * * *
    confitado, -da adj
    : candied

    Spanish-English dictionary > confitado

  • 19 control de materias

    Ex. In addition, Ms. Marshall has done a great deal of research in the area of subject control, particularly with respect to ethnically and otherwise insensitive topical and name headings.
    * * *

    Ex: In addition, Ms. Marshall has done a great deal of research in the area of subject control, particularly with respect to ethnically and otherwise insensitive topical and name headings.

    Spanish-English dictionary > control de materias

  • 20 desde un punto de vista étnico

    Ex. In addition, Ms. Marshall has done a great deal of research in the area of subject control, particularly with respect to ethnically and otherwise insensitive topical and name headings.
    * * *

    Ex: In addition, Ms. Marshall has done a great deal of research in the area of subject control, particularly with respect to ethnically and otherwise insensitive topical and name headings.

    Spanish-English dictionary > desde un punto de vista étnico

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